Thursday, May 7, 2015

Orange County Air Conditioning Maintenance: Tasks for You and Experts

Your air conditioner is a sophisticated piece of equipment that performs an important function for keeping your home comfortable. To ensure that it performs its job efficiently, you need to give it attention. Proper maintenance will help your Orange County air conditioning system work at optimal efficiency for a long time. You have to be aware, though, that there are things you can do by yourself and there are things you have to leave in the hands of experts. Things You Can Do This Old House, an online resource for home improvement and related topics, states that changing the filter is a task simple enough for the average homeowner. When the filter gets too dirty, the operating efficiency of the air conditioner suffers. When cooling season is ongoing, it’s recommended to replace the filter every month. If you have the washable type, clean it up with the same frequency.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Questions to Ask Before Getting Orange County Air Conditioning Repair

Do you need air conditioning repair in Orange County? Well, it’s a good thing you’re not trying to take things into your own hands. The air conditioner is a complex equipment that requires a certain expertise, even with the most minor of repairs. Repairing air conditioners fall in the hands of HVAC contractors and you can probably find enough companies in your area. Before you go off to make the call, here are some questions you might like to ask yourself first, so you’d know who to contact who can fulfill your need.